Friday, September 28, 2007

Thank God I'm not "65" like Judy

Happy Birthday Judy, we all love ya! m

And Happy Anniversary to you and Frank tomorrow! September 30, 2007 " 46 years!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Matthew

Matthew Stalboerger

September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday

Love Grandma

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary

Jim and Ann have been married 16 years today, September 21, 2007
Love ya, mom

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Chocolate Lovers!

Hi: I thought you might like to see these pics of Aunt Doris, SueMarie and I at the "Day of Wine and Chocolate" , a fund raiser for one of the local hospices held at the Wilson Creek Winery in Temecula. We had our fill of chocolate, but didn't quite get our fill of wine, so we opened a bottle when we got home and had it with dinner. We had a lovely visit, just not long enough. Tom has put out about 6 hummingbird feeders in our yard and they are drinking like crazy these days and fun to watch, we watched some of the Planet Earth DVDs and called it an early night. We had a nice breakfast, french toast, strawberries and smoked chicken and apple sausage this morning before they left for home. I hope to get to see more of Aunt Doris before she leaves California, she is still full of spunk and ready to go, even if she doesn't think so. Maybe I'll get over to Seal Beach area to see them again before she leaves. Tom and I are going to Vegas on Wednesday, staying at Harrah's for a couple nights. There is a Special Forces Association reunion and it'll be his first time attending.Hope all is well. Mary, how was the trip to SLO, did the tourist information you received from Leslie come in handy? I'm guessing that the weather was lovely, probably a bit warmer than usual for that area this time of year. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the trip.Gonna run for now, almost bedtime. Take care. Love, Denise

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Birthday - Collie Monster is 12!

Love Ya,
Grandma Mary
September 19, 2007

Congratulations are in order!

Hi Mary and ALL

I have great news to report. Len and I got married on Sept. 12 by the justice of the peace. We will be having another ceremony in the church as soon as his annulment in the church goes through. I will let you all know when that is going to happen. My new name is June Gebhart or Mrs. Lennard Gebhart. He is a great guy . Mary his birthday is July 26, 1940 for your records. He is a retired Navy guy, sorry Uncle John. He also worked at the airport after getting out of the service. He was in charge of the fuel oil at the airport, and has retired from there also.
I can't remember when I have been sooooooooooo happy, I know you all will like him and hope to see you all there when we get the marriage blessed in the church. I will send pictures later.

June and Len Gebhart

Friday, September 7, 2007

Proud Grandma Brags!!

I just wanted to brag a bit. Seeing that Dazy had a bad day and refused to go to school maybe she would like to know that her cousin Alex starting 6th. grade this year has been asked to move up to 7th. grade math.

Abby Reinke, the school the kids go to, had the highest test scores in the city on the standardized tests they took last spring. Both Alex and Josh were in the 95 to 100 percentile overall.

Josh in 4th. grade now has been chosen to be able to go on a field trip for advanced students to go to the state capital for a day.

Josh is really into Football this fall and Alex has been asked to join a traveling basketball team. So when my jocks are not on the field their noses are in books.

I have to add that Aleesa started kindergarten this year and is going all day to school she is doing great also following in the footsteps of bigger brother and sister. Glad she isn't like Dazy.

Proud Grandma Judy

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dazy is Back! to School that is!

You have no idea what the first day of school is like in my household.
Little Miss Muffet has all summer long to decide what she was going to wear on the first
day of class and at the very last minutes she thinks she looks too fat and she is not going to school, along with a barrel of tears.
Then, I have to spend the next 10 minutes telling her what a wonderful personality she has and nobody will ever notice what she is wearing. The first day of school is always a creative day and how well I can lie. Caos, that is what the first day of school is like. All the other kids always hope she wins in the battle because if Dazy doesn't go to school then the rest of them aren't going either.
Trying to get them all to the table to eat breakfast is a whole other story. Nobody can have the same cereal. We are all individuals with our own distictive pallet for food.
Why do Mothers want to be Mothers??? Life would be so much easier if was just me!